Vision, Mission & Values
Australian Rotary Clubs are part of an international network of business, professional and community leaders who strive to make the world a better place through practical efforts. Through Rotary International, the reward of "paying it forward" unites men and women from different backgrounds, cultures, religious and political beliefs the world over, allowing ordinary people to do extraordinary things.
Our Mission, Values & Four-Way Ethical Test
Want to know what we're about in a nutshell? Our mission, values and four way test describe us well:
Our Mission:
We provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.
Rotarians have a simple motto: Service Above Self.
Our Four-Way Test
Our Four-Way test is a simple ethical framework to help us in our lives every day. Feel welcome to use it yourself - it's pretty simple:
Of the things we think, say or do:
- Is it the TRUTH?
- Is it FAIR to all concerned?
- Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
Our Structure
Each of Australia's 30,000 Rotarians belong to a local Rotary Club. There's over 1100 Clubs in Australia, each Club led by a Club President and supported internally by a number of Club office holders. The position of President is rotated every July, providing ample opportunities for Rotarians to step up and gain leadership experience. Clubs operate independently, but often come together to work on joint projects and celebrate big events.
Each Club belongs to one of 21 Rotary Districts in Australia. Districts are geographically defined and sometimes cross state and even international borders. The head of the Rotary District is the District Governor.
Each District is part of 6 worldwide Zones, with Australia's being part of Zone 8, which includes oceanic nations like Australia, New Zealand, East Timor and Papua New Guinea.
And of course every Club is part of the the wider Rotary International - a network of 1.2 million Rotarians in nearly 33,000 Clubs aroud the world, all dedicated to making the world a better place through promotion of peace, cultural understanding and service to the community alongside other like-minded community and business leaders.Rotary International is led by the Rotary International President.